
Anonymous asked:

I recall that sometime before The Emoji Movie came out someone on YouTube jokingly asked if there was going to be a sex scene involving the main couple (who are both well emojis).

If that movie did have a sex scene, would you watch it?

No, but then, neither did anybody else.

Anonymous asked:

Do you think there is a mrs Claus? Do you think she gets annoyed every time her husband goes out he comes home with an empty sack?

Nah, I bet she's into it.

Taimaseiko Alice English Translation Patch

This is an English language translation patch for Black Lilith’s 2014 title, Taimaseiko Alice.

If you discover a translation error, typo, etc., please get in touch so that the patch can be amended.

Taimaseiko Alice can be purchased on a number of Japanese software download stores, such as dlsite. Please remember to support the original developers, and anyone who might officially license this game in the future.

Release notes

Current patch version: 1.00

Download patch

Ho Ho Holy shit do I hate rushing these things out in time for Christmas. I swore I'd never do that again after TY2, yet here we are.

I have nothing new to add that I haven't already gone over with the partial patch releases, so to recap:

  • For the sake of preserving atmosphere, this patch has been handled in slightly more of a localization style than I usually prefer. So you lose some of the nuance associated with honourifics like sama, but it's more suitable for a Western fantasy universe like this.
  • Written sound effects are now accompanied by audio, taken both from TA0 and from various Internet sources.
  • There was a lot of lore on the website for this game which never got mentioned at any point. It has been given its own section in the main menu, which also gives you more opportunity to listen to a music track that is barely used in the game.
  • I've added the game's advertisement as an OP.
Tell me if I've screwed anything up, etc. etc.

Anonymous asked:

Santa, can I have a translation for that vile degenerate monster-rape eroge I probably shouldn't tell anyone I played for christmas?

No. Santa's busy. Just for that, you're getting a bible.