
Showing posts from November, 2021

RIP Tumblr

I've been holding off on making a formal post about the Tumblr situation. The main reason is that I immediately launched an appeal to Tumblr support, and have been waiting to hear back for days. I know that the people who work for Tumblr are all very busy, and I do hate to interrupt nap time, but I was hoping that they would deliver a judgement fairly quickly. If I regained control of the old blog, I could simply redirect people, instead of having to wait for everyone to realize this one exists. However, there has been no sign of the support staff getting back to me at all, and I'm not going to wait the rest of my life for them.

In case you're unaware, the old site got shut down because of certain comments that you could arguably classify as racist, if you had an IQ somewhere in the negative range. I'm obviously not going to go over them in detail, or explain much of the context, in case I trip another hate speech filter. There were two posts that got me in trouble: In one post, I shortened the word Japanese to make a sentence flow better. In another, I said that it would be stupid to be offended by that. And then (because this was relevant to the question), I used a certain other word in a completely neutral context, when talking about how people overreact to any mention of it whatsoever.
These questions were asked on November 5th and 8th, respectively. I suddenly got emails notifying me that they had been taken down on the 23rd, at 3:29 and 3:41 P.M., EST. These emails said:

Please note that subsequent violations of our Community Guidelines may result in account termination.

After this, I answered two questions, and made a post explaining the situation. On November 24th, at 2:16 P.M. (less than 24 hours after the warnings, and with no further infractions), I received word that my account had been terminated:

We've terminated your Tumblr account. As per the policies you agreed to when creating a Tumblr account, we do not allow hate speech on Tumblr.
From our Community Guidelines:
Don't encourage violence or hatred. Don't post content for the purpose of promoting or inciting the hatred of, or dehumanizing, individuals or groups based on race, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability, or disease.

As mentioned before, I then contacted support, but it has not achieved anything yet. So in short, I said that people overreact to a word, and they reacted to it by banning me, with no appeal. Thank God I didn't venture a strong opinion. They probably would've hired a hitman.

This will be the replacement site for the foreseeable future. I luckily had enough time to download the whole blog before they took it down, and I've used that to restore the last month's worth of posts. I've also rigged up a primitive replacement for the Ask feature. I am still taking suggestions for alternate services to use. The essential criteria are:
  • An actual blog format, as opposed to an expanded Twitter clone
  • Pagination
  • The ability to customize the layout or CSS, so that I can have pages like "Complete Patches"
  • Either an inbuilt ask feature, or a separate service that can be embedded on a contact page
  • Stability and reliability as a service
In case this happens again, I now have a Twitter account, which you can always find on the sidebar. This way, even if the blog gets taken down, I can still have bitter, angry arguments over nothing of importance. I will also be posting patch updates to Twitter, so remember to like, share, comment, subscribe, ring that bell, and give me that sweet, sweet validation my daddy never did.
Anonymous asked:
Which TABA character was in the first scene that you watched from that game? (If you don’t remember her name, please just mention any characteristics she has, physical or otherwise.)

It was this boring nothingness of a character:

You can see why I wasn’t exactly enthralled. But, of course, it’s not just her: I was just as engaged with the free scenes at the end of every tower event. Too many things in that game were simply shoehorned in, without enough consideration.
Anonymous asked:
Will we ever get to see your cat?

No, but you might hear her, no matter how far away she is.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think KINGS-3 Tesla's limbs look odd?

Not really, but they could do with less electricity. You certainly couldn’t sleep with them on. To be honest, I had to look up who the hell that even is. She’s not a memorable character.
Anonymous asked:
Can i guess ur age? I think you're between 23 and 29 yes or no? ;)

I’m somewhere around 30. That’s the closest you’re getting.
Anonymous asked:
Is the reason why you jokingly more or less or flat-out call some gacha characters from the Taimanin series OCs because to you they’re about as poorly-done as several OCs are?

It’s because almost every character in TABA was cookie-cutter crap. They kept being churned out, usually with unremarkable (or even ugly) art, and mainly relied on one or two gimmicks instead of actual substance. They would typically be introduced for one event, then disappear into the ether with no memorable qualities or story significance.

When TABA first started, I was interested in the various new characters that were being produced. And then I played through a scene, and was struck by how little I cared. There was no setup or familiarization, just a boring, empty shell of a character. Luckily, they largely fixed this in RPGX by giving lots of characters significant parts in events. That performs the same function as the opening 1500 lines of any mainline game, explaining the characters and their situations to the audience, and telling you why you should care.

Anonymous asked:

Do you live alone

No. I have a cat.

Anonymous asked:

Is it true that Edwin Black is an Asagi simp? I heard it mentioned in a discord server

He has a fascination with Asagi, but I wouldn’t go that far. He’s perfectly willing to let her die if she proves unworthy.

Anonymous asked:

Do you recall if you enjoyed VVVVVV at all?

It was two surprisingly enjoyable hours of pure anger.

Anonymous asked:

Are you planning on doing Mama wa Taimanin?

Only if I get enough requests for it. It’s not part of my stated pledge to translate all the Taimanin games, because it barely qualifies as one.

Anonymous asked:

Do you invest in crypto?


Anonymous asked:

Are you a pedo?


Anonymous asked:
if people can self-identify as an attack helicopter, does that mean i can self-identify as a tentacle monster?

I guess, but expect to find yourself in a lot of police lineups.

Anonymous asked:

Is incest hot in your opinion?

Sure, although it’s also fairly generic at this point.

Anonymous asked:
What drew you to Black Lilith games at first? The drawing style? Story ? Fame? Or utter coincidence? Personally for me it was probably the drawings. Also your translations were great!

Simply the fact that TA1 was translated. That was back in the days when JAST was the only game in town, and they mostly picked up weak, generic titles. If a game got a fan translation, then that meant it was so good that it had motivated someone to put in the effort to share it with the world. That remained my barometer for overall VN quality until I read Wind-A Breath of Heart, and nearly overdosed on boredom.

Anonymous asked:

Can you add the following to yo list: Twinkle ☆ Crusaders, Utatemeguri, Hana no No ni Saku Utakata no, Tsukumo no Kanade ~Kaketsuki no Yasoukyoku~, Princess Witches, Biniku no Kaori ~Netori Netorare Yari Yarare~, Kono Uta ga Owattara ~When This Song Is Over~, Re: LieF ~Shin'ainaru Anata e~ (aka Re: LieF ~DeaR YoU~), Kami-sama no You na Kimi e, Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~?


Anonymous asked:

Hello Mr Man, how are you doing these days? Looks like translation is going well

I am doing okay. And I’m finally getting things done consistently, as opposed to the stop-start momentum I was experiencing in the early part of the year.

Anonymous asked:

Do ya have any idea as to when your indie game will come out? (You don't have to give an exact release date.)

On February 30th, for one day only. Blink and you’ll miss it.

Anonymous asked:

Wanna lick tears as a fetish?


Anonymous asked:

How high up is Onna Kentoushi Minerva on the list? Also one big vote for that <3

Not very.

Anonymous asked:

How did yo mind get corrupted?

The Internet. That’s the only explanation you need.

Anonymous asked:

Do you find panchira scenes hot?

Not really. I’ve seen so many images that feature pointless and gratuitous glimpses of female underwear that it doesn’t even affect me.

Anonymous asked:

Just curious, have you ever slit your wrists?


Anonymous asked:

Rattan, why are you doing this? It's like a second job but without pay

That is an extremely good question. There was a time when I thought I would do this for a year and then quit, yet here we are.

Anonymous asked:

With gay porn, do you prefer bara, shota on shota, or something else?

As I’ve said before, it’s difficult to find yaoi that isn’t either drawn poorly, or too focused on lightweight emotional drama crap. I usually find bara to be in the “poorly-drawn” category, and I’m also not that keen on a cast of exaggerated Mr. Universes. Shota can be okay, but only if the shotas themselves display advanced levels of maturity. If they’re written as children, then it’s just as annoying and off-putting as your typical moeblob “kawaii uguuuu~” character with an IQ of 4.

As such, I don’t gravitate towards any specific kind of gay porn, except for the vague and ill-defined category of “stuff that isn’t crap”. To give a really simple example, take the CGs from that yaoi game that Mizuryuu Kei made for some reason. It’s not the best thing I’ve ever seen, and I don’t care that much for military uniforms or settings, but it’s an example of art that’s decent enough to masturbate to.

Anonymous asked:

are you familiar with the eroanime resort boin? If so, have you ever watched it? If so, did you like it? Also would you ever consider translating the VN its based on?

I have not watched that, but I could do the VN if enough people want it, and it’s technically possible to patch.

Anonymous asked:

How you ever given someone a private answer? If yes, you don’t need to give any specifics.

Yes. I prefer that for a lot of questions, but you can only respond privately if the question is tied to a Tumblr account.

Anonymous asked:

Why do you keep giving the troll questions attention? They shouldn't be worth the reply or plug on your blog.

I would classify most of them as just awful questions, rather than troll questions. I am going to have to clamp down at some point. I want to maintain some kind of reasonable balance between “It’s okay to ask me anything” and “Stay absolutely on-topic all the time, or fuck off.”

Anonymous asked:



Anonymous asked:

u into gore?


Anonymous asked:

Have you ever masturbated to the vanilla sex scene between Imari and minase in bible black.

Probably. It was too long ago to remember.

Anonymous asked:

For your "next patch progress", do you consider the 2/3 mark at 65% or 70%?

I’m doing it in blocks of 35-35-30. So the next one will be 70.

Anonymous asked:

Do you translate other stuff besides games or be willing to translate other stuff, like magazines (not comics or manga) or snippets of articles and such?

Not as yet. That sounds intensely boring.

Anonymous asked:

Worst thing about a VN you love? (Besides waiting for it to install or anything like that.)

Bible Black’s primitive engine.

Anonymous asked:

Are you touching yo pee-pee rn?


Anonymous asked:

So a couple asks that caused you to edit your "Do Not Ask" list made me wonder, what do you think of One Piece & Death Note? (For the record, one of them asked about Naruto, but I believe you've stated at least once that you haven't seen it; feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)

I actually haven’t watched much anime, so I’ve never seen those, either.

Anonymous asked:

Any interest in the eroge 11eyes?

Not really.

Anonymous asked:

What do yo think about Black Cyc?

They seem okay, but nothing from them has ever grabbed me.

Anonymous asked:

Did you do anything for Halloween the other night?


Anonymous asked:

Do people run and scream whenever you enter a room?

If they do, I’m usually naked, so I take it as a compliment.

Anonymous asked:

Opinion on Yukikaze?

She’s okay. I don’t understand the mania over her.

Anonymous asked:

Best thing about a VN you hate?

Uninstalling it.

I can’t even think of what VNs I genuinely hate, apart from Jewel Knights Crusaders and Shiyouchuu ~W.C.~, and neither of them have any redeeming features whatsoever.

Anonymous asked:

In the spirit of Halloween, I liked to request a translation of the more "horror" themed visual novels: "XX of the Dead" and "JK to Orc Heidan". By the way, what do you think of these "horror" visual novels where there are a group of girls that are slowly picked off by the monsters compare to Lilith's usual formula of have 1 or 2 girls being tormented over the course of several days?

I personally haven’t played that type of game. The concept sounds all right, but it really just depends on how it’s executed.

Anonymous asked:

Do you like creedence clearwater revival?

It ain’t for me.