Anonymous asked:

Why do they always increase the sensitivity of the girls by a 100000x. Isnt it more fun if she loses to the cock because deep down shes a slut, rather than because shes been drugged up to the eyeballs?

It's easy to forget this, because the whole concept has become so watered-down and routine, but the original idea was that the sensitivity increase was a form of torture. Asagi has incredible mental resilience, and has made herself resistant to physical pain, but she hasn't trained herself to resist sexual pleasure. If you overload her body on pleasure, it becomes unbearable. She's not supposed to be a slut: She's supposed to be someone with enormous strength of will, resisting constant attacks against an exploited weakness, in an increasingly desperate situation.

They don't take that aspect quite as seriously these days, but it's still pretty fundamental to most of the series. The characters are meant to be capable fighters, who are subjected to abuse and have to overcome their circumstances. Plus, "3000x sensitivity" has become a meme that's inextricably linked to the series, and they have no reason not to exploit that.
