Anonymous asked:
With all the concern about so much licensing competition, why not focus on older works that won't get new entries, have better known engines, aren't going to be licensed, etc? Sure, the art may not be HD, but they're still good eroge - things like Himekishi Lilia, Dorei Maid Princess, Makai Tenshi Djibril, etc.
Himekishi Lilia is definitely an option. Djibril is still one that concerns me: Frontwing may not be doing anything with it now, but they have localized pretty much everything else they've ever made at this point. It's not unlikely at all that they would go back and do it themselves. I imagine that the only impediment would be the fact that the old games have low resolutions by modern standards, and that might make them seem unfit for republication today.
Also, even if a game is older, it isn't necessarily possible to patch it. All the same kind of problems apply. I recently looked into doing a 15-year-old game (don't ask which one), and all my attempts to extract a script resulted in garbled nonsense.
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