Anonymous asked:

Do you think its kinda a waste that Tendou in Taimanin Kurenai just gets killed off? It was refreshing to have an antagonist in this series to have goals beyond just "I want to rule the world" or "I want to rape/degrade women", I think he could have been like a 3rd party that while the Taimanin would want to end him, he'd also not really be in good terms with a lot of the major villain groups.

Well, that's basically TABA Fuuma.

I don't think Tendou is that interesting or charismatic a character. His motivations would have been refreshing if they didn't feel like such an afterthought. I get the feeling that they intended that game to be grander, and then had to rush it more and more as time went on. His entire backstory and motivation was crammed in rather awkwardly, at a point when the story is practically over.
