Anonymous asked:

When you answered the "How do you think the hentai industry could make more money?" question, were you referencing Taimanin Asagi? If not, were you referencing any other hentai? If so, which one(s)?

(For the record, I'm not the person who asked the original question.)

I was just answering the question. That's how you make more money. You cater to the most people possible, which means becoming less niche and more populist. You exploit the habits of stupid people (in this case, their gacha gambling addiction); appeal to common character flaws (such as narcissism, or the tendency to obsessively waifu characters); and follow trends that explode in popularity (Vtubing, etc.). It's the same with anything. It's the reason why so many video games now try to "empower the player", even when that's not a good idea.
