Anonymous asked:

Would it be possible to do translate something like Kuroinu Kai since a fair amount of the game was translated already, but with some scenes cut and weirdly cut into 3 chapters.

There's a very specific thing that needs to happen before I could seriously consider that. The problem is that I don't think MangaGamer would particularly like me distributing their translation. Therefore, if I were to fill in the gaps, I would need for somebody to have already ported their script back to the Japanese game, and then separated the script files into multiple parts. In that situation, I could produce a patch which only replaced the Japanese text, and simply use that port as both a basis for working, and a prerequisite for installation. (And this is also blindly assuming that the game is patchable in the first place.)

This is theoretically possible, and not necessarily hard, but it's also a stupid amount of effort to go to just to avoid legal takedowns. Alternatively, if there were some way of doing the opposite, and porting the Japanese content into the translation, that could be more ideal. But given that they chose to localize the three-part version, I can't see a way of patching it without still distributing entire games' worth of MangaGamer translations.
