h3ad0rZ asked:

Hello. Thank you for your hard work. Do you think it's possible for you to make a "QC / QA” patch for Kuroinu Redux? Like, a patch to edit mistakes in their garbage translation. If not, treat this as "news from loc companies'' I guess. :D While I don't think theirs was done by MTL, you get pretty much the same experience as one. I assume they feed the lines to translate to their "agencies" completely blindly, so they are done without seeing the game or any context. It's funny how I remember you talking about how hard it can be to tell who's doing what in a h-scene and I see exactly similar mistakes here. (Even though if you see CG, you would know what's going on) It also seems somebody went through typos with auto-correct, got a word and called it a day, so you get a random word that sounds kinda similar to what it supposed to be. Every other line also has some awkward af phrasing, where you kinda need to take a second in your mind to rephrase it, so you can understand what they were going for. It's like you have to translate the translation. :D

I know that somebody made a patch which imported the uncensored CGs from the MangaGamer release, so it's probably technically possible. The question is whether it's worth doing or not. I don't know the extent of the problem, but fixing it might essentially entail retranslating large parts of it. If there's an appetite for that, I would be open to doing it. On the other hand, if the general feeling is that the translation is flawed but good enough, then it really isn't worth the effort when I could be working on a different game.


  1. Fair enough. Judging by steam reviews, people seem to lap it up.
    If I can post links here, I'll throw in a few screenshots, some of them are pretty funny:


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