Anonymous asked:
Hey man, thanks for all your work first of all. My anachronic ass just found out you translated yukikaze 2(3 years ago, and thank u), i read your note about the game and it seems too complex for my cenozoic brain- played the game for like 30 mins and saw the mod u talked about in description, but i dont understand if i should first play the game at my pace fully with all the routes i found(and then try the mod out), or simply get the first ending i get and then proceed with your mod.(Game seems complex, with all the added routes and stuff, but yeah sorry for cringe).
The mod is intended to be used when replaying the game, so that if you're already familiar with the story, you can experience it in a different way.
The easy way of thinking of it is as a choice between linear (TY1-style) and perspective-based storytelling. Vanilla TY2 presents the story rigidly from one perspective at a time, so as to build up the suspense and anticipation in Tatsurou's route when it becomes clear that something's wrong. The downside of this is that there's not much story for Tatsurou past a certain point, and a lot of scenes get taken out of the narrative for use in the diary pages, leading to massive timeskips. The mod puts all these scenes in chronological order, which (I think) improves the pace and comprehensibility of the story, but at a cost of losing that suspense and buildup. Also, it inadvertently makes certain scenes comedic, when the narrative flips between Tatsurou rationalizing the heroines' behaviour and what the heroines are actually thinking.
If you like the sound of both of those, but don't want to play the whole game twice to check it out, then you might try playing the original version up to the end of Tatsurou's perspective, and then switching over to the mod to replay the route. (You can skip ahead to the end of Shizuru's scene, obviously.) Then, you'll see all of the context that you've been missing throughout various scenes and conversations.
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