Anonymous asked:

Hey Rattan, was wondering whether or not the recent Yukikaze/Rinko duo scenes in RPGX could conceivably fit in the narrative of Taimanin Yukikaze 1? If yes, could it theoretically be possible to patch them into the game like you did with Kurenai?

They can technically be put in the game, but they're not part of the same story or timeline. They can't fit in organically, unlike scenes that were specifically made as promotion for the games.

Also, can I selfishly ask if there's any chance for Rantta Clause to translate said scenes as a Christmas present?

Probably not. I'm not planning on doing RPGX scenes regularly anymore, now that I know for a fact that they'll be made redundant within five years. I would only do it if a lot of people wanted it, and I would have to know fairly early. I've already got that missing TABA scene to do, on top of trying to get Tsuma Netori out before the end of the year.
