Anonymous asked:

Hi, hope you're doing good.

Someone asked who's your favorite character from Lilith and you said KS2 Bogan, what's the main difference with the KS1 and KS3 Bogan? I played the three of them, and maybe because i'm not a native english speaker, but i didn't get any variation or subtility in writing with Bogan, except he was definitly better than the dude in Kangoku Academia...

It's not a matter of linguistic differences. Bogan in KS1 is a pathetic character. There's nothing to him, and the thing he's resentful about was basically his own fault. He doesn't engage in any particularly interesting subterfuge or anything like that. From KS2 onwards, he's a cunning super-spy, who is capable of going undercover in a major position, manipulating people and politics, and wresting control of a small nation to turn it into a galactic military force to be reckoned with—and not to fulfill his mission, but to elevate himself above all others, including the faction who used to employ him. That's an inherently more interesting character than some nobody who got butthurt about facing consequences for his actions. Hell, as I recall, in KS3 he gave himself leukemia just so that his plans would work.
