Anonymous asked:
Judging from the games you've played/translated thus far, would you say Lilith games have good voice acting?
I wouldn't say it's anything to do with Lilith, apart from their particular selections of voice actress. Virtually everybody they hire also does work for all the other companies. Overall, it's always decent at least, and sometimes very good. There are some standout cases where I think the voice actors particularly excel, and one that comes immediately to mind is the original voice for Rinko, particularly with the emotional lines in TY2.
As an aside, it's interesting to see how closely all the various actors follow the script when it comes to sound effects. Some of them will just make whatever sounds they like to suit the kind of effects that are in the script, whereas others are very meticulous about following every little sound. It's particularly interesting when you get a duo or group scene, where one actress is interpreting sound effects very liberally and another is closely following what's written down.
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