Anonymous asked:
I found this website, idoltaimanin dot com. What do you think of their debut single?
Pretty forgettable. The menu themes in RPGX have had better music than that.
Better than nothing.
TheUnbrokenEdifice asked:
Do most of Lilith's works have around the same word count, or do they vary wildly?
That depends on the era. Over time, eroge in general started getting padded out more and more, to increase their perceived value. By 2014, your average Lilith game was about 12 000 - 15 000 lines, in contrast with older games, which would be 6500 - 9000 lines. There are a few exceptions, such as TA3 (30 000), TY2 (23 000 without the gacha scenes I added), and Chronos (9500 lines, despite being released in 2014).
Anonymous asked:
Do you recall finding the camera issues in TA1 (the OVA not the visual novel) at least slightly annoying? I personally do.
I never liked that. Some people seem to think that's a big part of the appeal of the OVA. I see it as a creative (but obvious) way to disguise how repetitive the animation is.
Vincent asked:
Have you seen this guys work he has decensored clips from taimanin asagi anime and the game.
I am also interested is seeing Netori Tsuma and Mama wa Taimanin translated hopefully you can add these to list of games that you are interested in translating.
I recall hearing about him ages ago, when he was doing the anime version. I wasn't that interested, because I only ever saw decensored gifs, and gifs look like crap in general.
Most of the TA0 decensors he's doing look extremely good, to the point where you could almost pass them off as the originals. If he ends up doing most of the game, it might be interesting to produce a fan decensor patch. However, where I think it falls down a little bit is when there are large areas to redraw. If you look at the closeups from the orc gangbang scene, it's pretty obvious that those warts don't look right. The more detail he has to reconstruct or invent, the more clearly you see the clashing art styles.
Anonymouse1918 asked:
Hi there, I just wanted to request a translation for Mama wa Taimanin if/whenever is possible, also, what do you think will happen with the Ukraine - Russia situation?
Best Regards
In my expert opinion on geopolitical matters, my years of experience in studying Russian-Ukrainian relations lead me to conclude that shit’s goin down, yo.
Anonymous asked:
Are you enjoying the latest TikTok trend of pulling ahegaos? Is it finally time for the ahegao to become mainstream?
That's always struck me as tryhard bullshit done by attention whores. So it doesn't surprise me in the slightest to hear that it's popular on TikTok, given that that whole service is basically a black hole of creativity. An ahegao is supposed to be the result of physical and mental exhaustion, crossed with an overload of pleasure. When a character does it too easily, or too extremely, it just looks stupid. And it looks equally stupid in real life, when you're just pulling a funny face to show off what a weeb you are.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think every lilith soft title is translatable (techwise)? Or are there games you dont have a decryption key for?
I can't say that definitively for the latest games (since they started using copy protection), but every KiriKiri2 and KiriKiriZ game should be translatable, and the Artemis games are probably all translatable. Vinos games should remain translatable, but there are no guarantees.
Anonymous asked:
I'm curious how you determine the progress percentages. Do you just eyeball the script or do you actually count the amount of lines translated/proofread/etc?
The first thing I do when preparing a project is determine how many lines are in each scene, and list them in a text file, categorized by chapter. Then I add these figures together, determine what one twentieth of the total length is, and go through the list with a calculator, marking off at what point I will reach each 5% milestone.
Anonymous asked:
I hadn't heard about the idol thing, that said have you stumbled into any post or news that would give us hope that this year we will see any real game released? From Lilith i mean, i would even like to see another soft (vanilla) game to at least prove they are still a eroge company and not a souless gacha machine.....
Of course not. I think they've largely learned their lesson from TA0 and Kangoku Academia, and they're not going to announce anything too far in advance. Every once in a blue moon, we see hints that they have things in the works, but it's clear that they're more focused on gacha than ever before.
Anonymous asked:
How well do you think is Black Lilith doing financially?
I'm guessing pretty well, given that they've got two simultaneous gacha games, novelty merchandise that sells out, and enough spare cash to invest in ridiculous things like that stupid Idol Taimanin idea.
Anonymous asked:
What do you think of the bible black anime. Do you think its a good adaptation of the source material?
I never liked it compared to the game. First of all, there are things that you just can't do outside the VN format. One of the best aspects of Bible Black is that you not only have good and evil routes, but you're given an opportunity to switch in the middle. That opens the game up to a lot of experimentation. Also, everybody always seems to praise the art and animation of the anime, but I never thought it looked that good. I particularly don't like the colouring style. Apart from that, it's been a really long time since I either played or watched Bible Black, so I don't remember much about the differences. I do remember that it was a far better adaptation than the Discipline anime, which in some ways might as well have been a completely different story.
Also I vaguely remember saying you were bisexual (correct me if im wrong). What kind of gay sex do you like, bear guy on bear guy (bara or whatever its called), shota on shota, or something else?
Shota is all right, unless the characters are too realistically childlike, either in appearance or character. I don't like bara at all. I can't think of the term for it, but mainly, I gravitate towards that middle ground where characters are neither too masculine nor too feminine. If you picture the kind of men who show up in otome games, that's just about what I'm thinking of.
Anonymous asked:
I'm not sure if you have any time in your life to do anything, but there's a new JRPG eroge out called Dohna Dohna. Good-ass game, but I was surprised by how good the English version was. You ever wanna check it out?
I haven't looked into it at all. I have so many other things that I want or need to do when I finally get the time, so I doubt I'm going to ever get around to that.