Anonymous asked:
Are you gonna discontinue the rpgx translation now that jorhen taking ahold of it cause I really liked yours
The answer is: Probably, but maybe not completely. The thing is, if you know that an official localization is right around the corner, then any work you do is going to be made redundant. It’s simply not worth my time (for me or you), when I could be working on something else. That being said, I think it’s a pretty safe bet that RPGX will be translated by the same people who did TABA, and that localization was pretty spotty. Some scenes were perfectly fine, whereas others changed or omitted things, or garbled the prose in such a way that you lost important details. If the quality remains that inconsistent, then there is still arguably a point in me doing RPGX scenes.
I think that, as usual, I'll go with whatever the popular demand is. I certainly can't do RPGX scenes all the time, or I'll never get any actual games done. But if there are specific scenes that people really want me to do (or redo, if the official translation turns out to be crap), then I suppose I don't have much objection.