
Showing posts from June, 2024

Anonymous asked:

Putting aside the lack of time, have you ever thought of making your own visual novel instead of translating them? You seem to be at the very least good enough with programming and from what I can gather from some of your answers to these questions, you are creative too.

As for the pictures, I don't know if you can draw. I guess even sticks figures could be enticing enough if the text is well-written.

I've had some vague, undeveloped ideas over the years, but I'm not likely to do anything with them. I've never been good at storytelling or characterization. Also, I actually can't code or program at all. Every time I've had to modify a game, it's been accomplished through logical deduction, rather than knowing what the hell I'm doing. I've essentially just gotten lucky multiple times in a row.

Anonymous asked:

Would you be willing to translate NTR homestay 2? The first one was translated and heard this one is possible to translate too.

I guess I could, but I thought somebody was doing that already. Maybe I was mixing it up with the first one.

Anonymous asked:

Was the internet a mistake?

No, but letting normal people on it sure was. It used to be basically a zoo for crazy people. Groups like furries or Juggalos could do their own thing unimpaired, and everyone else would just point and laugh at them. Now that everything's centralized, it's like they've taken down the fences, and all the impressionable people mingle with the animals until they become a de facto part of the exhibit.

Anonymous asked:

Would you say you tend to enjoy eroguro?

Sometimes, but it depends on how it's done. I don't care all that much for cannibalism, for instance, because it's repetitive. If you've seen one roasted human torso, you've seen them all.

Anonymous asked:

Could you try to translate the gyakushuu series or are the genres too weird?

That depends on whether it's possible to work with the engine or not. I'm certainly not going to say no to anything content-wise. I would say there's a decent chance, comparatively.

I know this is a fairly long shot, but I'm looking for a scanned/digital copy of any of the Taimanin RPGX "Character Visual Book" volumes that they put out at Comiket (not the Character Collection). I only need them because they have official transliterations of character names, so I'm not willing to pay the seventy-to-eighty dollars each that it would take to get them shipped to me off eBay. If anyone can provide me with a copy, or even just a list of official names, I would appreciate it.

It's not a huge deal, but otherwise, I'll have to stumble my way through the inconsistent mess of assumptions and localizations that are out there, as well as do some outright guessing myself. I was thinking of deferring to the official translations for consistency, and then I realized that they still transliterate Anje as Ange or Angers, despite it having been spelled out right in front of everyone in 2019:

Anonymous asked:

what is your opinion on non-blood related incest.

Kind of pointless. It's like a vegan barbecue.

Anonymous asked:

Which Lilith villain would you rather be stuck in an elevator with?

Probably one of Bogan's top men. I bet one of them knows how to fix an elevator.

Anonymous asked:

Out of the mainline Taimanin, which one would you prefer having as a roommate?

Sakura is the one who sounds like she would be the most fun to have around. Vice versa, Yukikaze would be a real pain in the ass to live with, and you would be praying for the next undercover brothel assignment, just to get rid of her.

Anonymous asked:

Hi Rattan, could you put the RPGX scenes you've translated during the last two Christmases in the completed patches page? It'll be easier for readers to find them, we won't have to click on the more posts button again and again.

I'm trying not to draw too much attention to them, for aforementioned reasons. If nothing else, you can always find them by searching, by sorting my Twitter feed by Media, or by looking through the December archives on the sidebar.